Therapy for Black women with Anxiety
Are you tired of…
Feeling worried, stressed or burnt out?
Having uncontrollable worries and racing thoughts?
Numb or disconnected from your body just to make it through?
Muscle tension, fatigue, sleep issues?
Being irritable and easily annoyed?
Anxiety can be different for Black women and women of color
Anxiety has become a common diagnosis in the United States. The NIMH states that an estimated 31.1% of U.S. adults experience any anxiety disorder at some time in their lives which is a huge portion of our population! When we consider how the intersections of race and gender impact mental health, we can understand that the experience of anxiety for Black and brown women is quite complex.
Common symptoms of anxiety are racing thoughts, uncontrollable worries, sleep disturbances, muscle tension, irritability, fatigue and troubles with concentration. This symptoms can cause impairment in social and occupational functioning. On top of these symptoms, Black and brown women have to face microaggressions, systemic racism, and racial stressors, which can significantly impact mental health. Constant exposure to discrimination and bias can contribute to heightened anxiety levels, affecting both emotional and physical well-being.
The high expectations placed on Black women also adds intensity to the experiences of anxiety. From being taught that Black women have to work ten times harder than their white counterparts to receive half the amount of recognition or the pressure to uphold the “strong Black woman” trope, Black women are often overlooked for their mental health struggles. Black women are expected to continue to function, even while holding all this tension and uncontrollable worries. Data shows that anxiety in Black women is more chronic and the symptoms more intense than their white counterparts. You do not have to navigate this alone.
Here’s how I can help you with anxiety
Therapy can be a valuable and effective tool in addressing anxiety, offering a multifaceted approach that includes understanding the nervous system, breaking the anxiety cycle, incorporating mindfulness practices, and exploring core beliefs. Here's how therapy can assist in each of these areas:
1. Understanding the Nervous System:
I provide psychoeducation on the nervous system, giving you insights to your fight-flight-freeze responses and how it relates to anxiety. This knowledge can help you recognize physical and emotional reactions associated with anxiety.
Once we have gotten more familiar with your nervous system, I teach grounding exercises to help you stay present and manage those overwhelming sensations. These techniques can include deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, and sensory awareness exercises.
2. Breaking the Anxiety Cycle:
We will work collaboratively to identify specific your specific triggers that contribute to anxiety. By pinpointing these triggers, you can gain insight into the patterns that perpetuate your anxiety. I will help you to recognize how anxiety is often maintained through avoidance. When faced with your triggers, the nervous system activates, which leads to the instinct to avoid for relief. However, this avoidance reinforces the brain's fear response, intensifying the anxiety the next time the trigger is encountered.
Breaking the anxiety cycle involves making behavioral changes to reduce avoidance. This process provides opportunities for learning that the feared trigger is not as intimidating as initially perceived, promoting a shift in the brain's response and reducing overall anxiety.
3. Mindfulness Practices:
I will integrate mindfulness meditation into our sessions, encouraging you to focus on the present moment without judgment. Mindfulness helps cultivate awareness, reducing the impact of intrusive thoughts and promoting a sense of calm. Learning to regulate breathing patterns through mindful breathing exercises can be another effective way to manage anxiety symptoms. This practice enhances emotional regulation and promotes relaxation.
4. Exploring Core Beliefs:
Therapy provides a safe space for you to explore deeper-seated core beliefs about yourself, others, and the world. Getting curious about these beliefs can lead to profound shifts in perspective and reduced anxiety.
By combining these therapeutic approaches, you can gain a deeper understanding of your anxiety, develop effective coping strategies, and work towards long-term emotional well-being. Therapy offers a personalized and supportive environment for you to explore and address the root causes of anxiety, fostering positive change and resilience. Contact me if you’re feeling ready to overcome the anxiety that has been holding you back!